Thursday, July 12, 2012

Yay for firsts!!!!

Alrighty so here's a little bit of an update. I recently started a little side business making cakes. I have my first "client" for this Saturday, and another cake for Sunday. Needless to say it's been a busy week. The cake on Saturday is for a welcome home party for a Seabee. So I wanted to include a little Seabee emblem in the design somehow. I came up with the idea to put the Seabee on the blue part of the American flag I am going to put on the cake. I decided to make the Seabee out of color flow, or a runny royal icing. I made one and it turned out okay, but it was really fragile on the bottom.

So Tyler came up with the plan to put the Seabee in a square of blue, to kind of make it a type of plaque.
I'll post the cake as soon as I finish it! Talk soon!